International Publications
- Beura, L. and S. Das, Health Infrastructure Inequality in Odisha: An Inter-DistrictLevel Analysis, SAVASS Journal of Social Sciences, 11, 301-310
- Mendali, G. and S. Das, Asymmetric Exchange Rate Pass-Through in India – A Non-linear ARDL Approach to Foreign Trade, Foreign Trade Review Journal
- Das, S, P. Biswal & S. Banoo, COVID-19 and Stateless Builders of the State, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, 10(8), 48-53
- Barik, S. & S.Das, Population Trends in China and India: An Analysis of Demographic Dividend and Economic Growth, Journal of Composition Theory, 13 (2), 1035-1046
- Das, S.& S. Barik, An Analysis of Demographic Dividend of Indian States, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10 (38) (IV),107-116
- Kalyani, P. Meenakshi & S. Das, Low Employment Opportunities for Women: A Case Study Of three Districts of Odisha, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10 (38IV), 337-343
- Das, S & S.Banoo, Analytics of Inter-State Migration; A Cross Section Study from2011 Census, Journal of Engineering, computing and Architecture, 10 (6), 1-27
- Das, S & S.Banoo, COVID-19 and the Management of the Economy of Odisha, International Journal of Research GRANTHALAYAH, 8(09), 277-282.
- Barik, S. & S.Das, Issues of Tribal Education in India, with special reference to Odisha, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6 ( 4), 330-339
- Barik, S. & S.Das, Higher Education System in India and its Impact on the Economy, Think India Journal, 22 (10), 7301-7308.
- Das, S., G. Nayak & S. Barik, Government Policy and Spending on Education: A Structural Break Analysis, Manpower Journal, 52 (4) & 53 (1), 41-56 National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development, New Delhi.
- Mendali, G. & S Das, The effects of exchange rate volatility on export of selected industries of India, Arthsashtra: Indian Journal of Economics and Research 7 (1), 9-24
- Barik, S. & S. Das, Equity in Access to School Education; A Micro Study From Dhenkanal Town, Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR), 7, ( 11)
- Das, Sanjukta & P. Meenakshi Kalyani, Socio-economic Causes of falling Child Sex Ratio in Odisha: An exploration, Orissa Economic Journal, Journal of the Orissa Economic Association, 49 (1&2), 181-191
- Das, S & R. K. Sahu, Food Insecurity in Orissa; Can NREGA be Able to Solve it?, International Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Educational Research, 6 (5), 35-42
- Das, S, Malnutrition in Odisha, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research, 5(9), 20-28
- Das, S, Forest Dependency and Sustainability of Forest Resources: Evidence from Rural Odisha, International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 7 (8 ), 13190-95
- Mendali, G. & S Das, Exchange Rate Pass Through to Domestic Prices : the Indian Experiences, Foreign Trade Review Sage Publication in association with IIFT, New Delhi, 52 (3), 135-156
- Mendali, G. & S Das, The effect of exchange rate variability on exports: The case of India, The Asian Economic Review, 56 (3), 57-70
- Das, S. & R. Seth, Exclusion and Exploitation of Migrant Workers in Brick Kilns: A Micro Study of a Backward Region in Odisha, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 16 (2), 290-321
- Sarap, K., S. Das &M. Nagla, Falling Sex Ratio and Health Deprivation of Women in India: An Interface between Resources, Culture and Gender, Sociological Bulletin, Journal of the Indian Sociological Society, 62(3), 456-482
- Das Sanjukta, Morbidity, Household Spending and the Burden of Health Care on the Urban Poor in Orissa, Journal of Health Management, 14 (2), 207–219
- Das Sanjukta, Health Conditions of the Tribals in Orissa, Adivasi, 51 (1-2), 56-68
- Das Sanjukta & B Sethi, Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Poor of the Poor Countries: Focus on India, Orissa Economic Journal, 42(1-2), 103-113
- Das Sanjukta and S. Pani, Childhood Poverty in Urban Orissa, Journal of Social Anthropology, 7(1-2), 159-165.
- Das Sanjukta, Climate Change Issue: the Need for India’s Role- at the National and International Level, Orissa Economic Journal, 41(1-2), 94-109
- Das Sanjukta, Health Conditions of the Tribals in Orissa: Analysis of NFHS-2 & NFHS-3 Data, Adivasi, 49 (1), 108-121
- Das Sanjukta, Equity in Higher Education, Orissa Economic Journal, 39(1-2), 197-212
- Das Sanjukta, Schooling in the Hill-Economy of Arunachal Pradesh, Journal of Education Planning and Administration, 20( 2 ), 257-271
- Das Sanjukta, Measurement of Survival, Repetition and Dropout in Primary Education – A Case of Doimukh Circle, Papum Pare District, A. P., Arunachal University Research Journal, 7(2), 73-84
National Publications
- Paper Accepted in International Journal of Community and Social Development, Sage Publication, Lopamudra Mishra, "Debt Bondage and Seasonal migration: A Sudy of Western Odisha, India.
- International Journal of Indian culture and Business Management, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Volume 17, No. 4, 2018. ISSN:1753-0806, Lopamudra Mishra, "Causality between Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from India.
- Management of Sustainable Development, Romania, Volume 7, No.2, December 2015. ISSN :2247-0220, Lopamudra Mishra, "Economic and Environmental Analysis of Shrimp Farming in Chilika Lake, India.
- The Indian Journal of Economics, No. 409, Vol. CIII, Part -II, October 2022, Dolagobinda Kumbhar & Lopamudra Mishra, "Determinants of Household's Resistance against Land Acquisition for Irrigation Project.
- International Journal of Environment and Development, (2004), June, Lopamudra Mishra & Tushar Kanti Das"Agricultural Land to Shrimp Pond in Orissa: Problems and Prospects
- Indian Journal of Applied Economics, Vol.8, No. 4, Pp 69-98, 1999, ISSN: 0971-8281 Lopamudra Mishra, "Subsidy Syndrome in Electricity: A Case Study of Orissa State Electricity Board in India.
- IUP Journal of Applied Economics, September, Vol. IX, No. 4, (2010), October, Pp: 69-84. ISSN: 0972-6861 Tushar Kanti Das & Lopamudra Mishra "Including Agriculture in Sustaining Economic Growth of India"
- IUP Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. IX, No. 1, (2010), January, Pp: 127-137. ISSN: 0972-6861 Lopamudra Mishra & Tushar Kanti Das "Power Sector Regulatory Governance in Orissa"
- International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol. 9, No. 3, (2021) ISSN: 2320-2882, Dolagobinda Kumbhar & Lopamudra Mishra "Impact of Lower Suktel Dam Project: An Analysis of Micro Level in Bolangir District, Odisha"
- GGU Journal of Business, (2005), Vol. 1, No. 2, July-Dec, Pp. 43-51. Tushar Kanti Das & Lopamudra Mishra, "Agricultural Wage, State Income & Globalization: A Panel Data Analysis"
- GGU Journal of Business, (2005), Vol. 1, No. 1, January, Pp. 105-116. Biswadeep Mishra & Lopamudra Mishra "Growth of Institutional Investors in India".
- International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol. 10, No. 1, (2022), ISSN: 2899-2911 Lijalin Beura & Lopamudra Mishra, "Public Distribution System in Odisha: A Case Study of Bolangir District"
- International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, Vol. 9, No. 3, (2021), ISSN: 2320-2882 Seemarani Meher & Lopamudra Mishra, Migration: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis"
- International journal of R esearch and Analytical Reviews, 2022, Vol.9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2349-5138 Dolagobinda Kumbhar & Lopamudra Mishra, "Problems and Prospects of Resettlement and Rehabilitation policy in Odisha: A Case Study of Lower Suktel Irrigation Project"
- International Journal of Management,2021, Vol. 12, No. 6, ISSN: 0976-6502 Swati Agrawal, Prabhati Panda & Lopamudra Mishra "Role of Financial Inclusion in Promoting Inclusive Growth: A Case Study of Jharsuguda & Sundargarh District"