Research Papers of → Law Department

International Publications

  1. Article titled” Live-in Relationship in India: a Socio-Legal Study” published in Mukt Shabd Journal, Volume XII, Issue V, May-2023, UGC-CARE Group-I Journal, ISSN NO: 2347-3150.
  2. Critical Study on the Legal Policies Relating to Education: With Special Reference to Trafficked Children Living in Childcare Institutions. Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond, 10(1), 54–68.
  3. 2022
  4. Article titled “ Criminal Law Reforms in India : A Study on Past, Present and Future” published in YMER( Scopus indexed), Volume – 21, Issue -07, July -2022, UGC CARE Group – II Journal , ISSN- 0044-0477. Article titled “ Criminal Law Reforms in India : A Study on Past, Present and Future” published in YMER( Scopus indexed), Volume – 21, Issue -07, July -2022, UGC CARE Group – II Journal , ISSN- 0044-0477.
  5. Article titled” International Perspective of Witness Protection : An Analytical Study” published in QUARDENS JOURNAL, Volume 10, Issue 4, April-2022, UGC-CARE Approved Groip-2 Journal, ISSN NO: 1138-5790.
  6. 2021
  7. Sahu, Meena Ketan & Khamari, Chandi Prasad (2020-2021), Indo-Us Basmati Rice Dispute: A Study on GI Perspective, Inclusive wealth generation through IP commercialization, Dr Pinaki Gosh & Jayanto Ghosh, WBNUJS. (In Thomson Reuters Press).
  8. Sahu, Meena Ketan & Khamari, Chandi Prasad (2021), Corporate Social Responsibility Vis-A-Vis Competitive Business Environment in India, Corporate Governance Legal Framework & Policies, Published in an edited by Ritika Sharma, University of Jammu.
  9. Sahu, Meena Ketan & Khamari, Chandi Prasad (2021), Right of Inclusive Education in India: A Glint of Aspiration, Law Relating to Women and Children (Ed.), Published in an edited by Dr Rajneesh Kumar Patel and Dr Sadhna Gupta.
  10. Sahu, Meena Ketan & Khamari, Chandi Prasad (2021), The Study of Agricultural Laws in India with Special Reference to the State of Odisha, Agriculture And Agribusiness Laws In India: Solution to future sustainability (Ed.), Published in an edited by Ms Anjali Dixit and Dr Sadhna Gupta.
  11. Sahu, Meena Ketan & Khamari, Chandi Prasad(2021), Socio-Legal Study on Domestic Violence and the Role of Judiciary during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Critical Appraisal, Pandemic through the Prism of Law(Ed.), Dr Nidhi Saxena & Dr Veer Mayank, Sikkim University (In Press)
  12. Sahu, Meena Ketan & Khamari, Chandi Prasad (2020-2021), Indo-Us Basmati Rice Dispute: A Study on GI Perspective, Inclusive wealth generation through IP commercialization, Dr Pinaki Gosh & Jayanto Ghosh, WBNUJS. (In Thomson Reuters Press)
  13. 2020
  14. Paper titled “Importance of Bail vis-à-vis Discretionary Power of the Court in India: An Analysis” published in CRIMES, a unique monthly Law Journal, Vinod Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, Vol-2, April-June, 2020, pp. 131-140 H.C
  15. 2018
  16. Paper titled “Conversions to other religions vis-a-vis conflict of matrimonial laws in India: A Socio-Legal Study” published in “Saudi Journal of Al-Qanun: Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice” Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, ISSN: 2616-7956, Vol-1, Iss-1 (Feb-Mar, 2018) pp.21-27.
  17. Paper titled, “Critical Analysis of Copyright Ownership vis-a-vis Rights Management of Literary Work under the Copyright Act,” published in Just Lex Talks(JLT), Vol. 1, Issue. 2, ISSN. 2455-2429.
  18. Paper titled “Conversions to other religions vis-a-vis conflict of matrimonial laws in India: A Socio-Legal Study” published in “Saudi Journal of Al-Qanun: Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice” Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, ISSN: 2616-7956, Vol-1, Iss-1 (Feb-Mar, 2018) pp.21-27.
  19. 2016
  20. Paper titled, “Protection of Data Piracy vis-avis Intellectual Property Rights in Cyber Space in India: An Analysis” published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review (IJMDRR), Vol. 1, Issue. 22, December 2016, E-ISSN. 2395-1885, P-ISSN. 2395-1877, Impact Factor: 3.567.
  21. Paper Titled, “Criminal Justice System vis-a-vis Plea Bargaining in India: Ten Years and Beyond” published in Journal of Legal Studies and Research, Open Access Journal, Vol.2, Issue. 2, April-2016, ISSN. 2455-2437, Open Access Journal
  22. Paper titled, “Role of District Judiciary in Protection of Human Rights in India: An Analysis” published in Indian Journal of Legal Philosophy, Vol. 4, Issue.1, March 2016, ISSN. 2347-4963, Impact Factor: 1.116.
  23. Paper titled, “Environmental Jurisprudence and Judicial Activism: An Appraisal” published in Indian Journal of Socio Legal Studies, Vol. V, Issue. 1, Jan-June-2016, ISSN. 2320-8562.
  24. Paper titled, “An Analysis of Legal Imperatives of Obscenity: National and International Perspectives,” published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review” Vol. 1, Issue. 1, Jan-2016, E-ISSN. 2395-1885, P-ISSN. 2395-1877.
  25. Paper titled, “Protection of Human Rights vis-a-vis Criminal Justice System in India: An Analysis” published in Lex Revolution (Journal of Social & Legal Studies), Vol. II, Issue.1, Jan-Mar. 2016, ISSN.2394-997X.
  26. Paper titled, “Protection of Data Piracy vis-avis Intellectual Property Rights in Cyber Space in India: An Analysis” published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review (IJMDRR), Vol. 1, Issue. 22, December 2016, E-ISSN. 2395-1885, P-ISSN. 2395-1877, Impact Factor: 3.567.
  27. Paper titled, “Right to Privacy vis-a-vis Cyber Law: National and International Perspective’ published in Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol. IV, Issue. 5, April, 2016, E-ISSN. 2321-8819, P-ISSN. 2348-7186, Impact Factor-1.498.
  28. Paper titled, “An Analysis of Legal Imperatives of Obscenity: National and International Perspectives,” published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review” Vol. 1, Issue. 1, Jan-2016, E-ISSN. 2395-1885, P-ISSN. 2395-1877.
  29. Paper titled “ Right to Information and Role of Judiciary in India: An Analysis” published in International Journal of for Legal Developments and Allied Issues, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, March, 2016, ISSN.2454-1273.
  30. Paper titled “ Protection of Traditional Knowledge vis-a-vis Human Rights in India : An Analysis” published in International Journal of Legal Sciences and Research, ISSN-2394-7977, Issue 1, Vol.5, January, 2016, pp.6-12.
  31. Paper titled “ Admissibility of Scientific Evidence and The Bias Against Lie Detection : National and International Perspective” published in International Journal for Legal Developments and Allied Issues, ISSN 2454-1273, Vol. 2, Issue 1, January, 2016.
  32. 2015
  33. Paper titled “ Role of Witness in Criminal Justice System in India: Problems and Perspectives” published in International Journal of Socio Legal Research, ISSN 2393-5250, Vol. 2 Issue 1, November 2015, pp. 186-198.
  34. Paper titled “ Video Conference in Criminal Trials vis-a-vis Speedy Justice in India: Problems and Perspective” published in Law Mantra Online International Journal, ISSN 2321-6417, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Dec., 2015.
  35. Paper titled “ Role of Witness in Criminal Justice System in India: Problems and Perspectives” published in International Journal of Socio-Legal Research, ISSN-2393-8250, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Dec. 2015, pp.69-78.
  36. Paper titled “Right to Information Act vis-a-vis Good Governance in India: Issues, Implementation and Challenges Ahead” Published in VSRD International Journal of Technical and Non-Technical Research, ISSN-2319-2216, Vol. VI, Issue IX, September, 2015, pp.253-258.
  37. Paper titled “ Honour Killing in the Criminal Justice Administration System in India: A Socio-Legal Study” published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review(IJMDRR), ISSN-2395-1877, Vol. 1, Issue No. 8, October, 2015, pp.198-200.
  38. Paper titled “Use of Video Conference in Criminal Trials : A Harbinger of Criminal Justice System in India” Published in VSRD International Journal of Technical and Non-Technical Research, ISSN: 2319-2216, Volume VI, Issue II, February, 2015, pp. 45-50.
  39. Paper titled “Right to Information Act is a Harbinger of Good Governance in India: A Socio-Legal Study” published in International Research & Review, ISSN-2319-3294,Vo. 4, No.3, July-Sept. 2015, pp.18-21.
  40. Paper titled “Environmental Jurisprudence and Judicial Activism: An Appraisal” Published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, ISSN 2395-1877, Vol.1, Issue-10, Dec. 2015, pp.93-100.
  41. 2014
  42. Paper titled “ Live- in relationship: National and International Perspectives” published in HNLU Journal of Law and Social Science, published by Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur, Jan, 2014-Dec, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1, ISSN. 2347-839X.
  43. 2013
  44. Paper titled “Concept of Wages and wage policy in India: A Critical Analysis” published in The Legal Analyst, A referred Law Journal, ISSN 2231-5594, Vol-III, Jan-June, 2013
  45. Paper titled “Live-in Relationship: National and International Perspective” published in Dibrugarh University Law Journal, ISSN-2348-6597, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2013, pp.95-106.
  46. 2011
  47. Paper titled “Hostile Witness: A menace for criminal justice administration system in India” Published in The Legal Analyst, A referred Law Journal, ISSN 2231-5594, Vol.1, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, pp.8-14.
  48. Mohapatra, Dipti rkeha (2013), Competency Mapping: As a tool of Performance Management, Dipti Rekha Mohapatra, International Journal of Social Sciences & Inertdisciplinary Research, Vol.2 No.2, April-June , Pp.61-67,ISSN 2277-677x, Impact Factor-3.503.
  49. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha(2013), From Performance Appraisal to Performance Management: A Major break through, ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.3 (8), August, Pp.188-201,ISSN 2231-5780, Impact Factor- 3.567, IC value-4.82.
  50. Mohapatra, Diptirekha(2015), Female Workers in The Unorganised Sector in India, International Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (ICSHSS’15), July 29-30, Phuket, Pp.104-107,ISBN 978-93-84422-30-1.
  51. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha & Dash Madhusudan(2013),The Socio-legal Status of Inter-state Migrant Workers with special reference to Dadan Labourers of Orissa, International Journal of Development and Social Research, Vol.No.II, Issue No.-II, December 2013, Pp.69-84,ISSN No-2249-7293.
  52. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha(2015), Efforts of States towards Social Security of Workers in India, , International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4(7),Pp.1-5, July 2015, ISSN 2319-3565, Impact Factor-0.564, UGC No-45451.
  53. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2015), Role of Judiciary for the Social Security and Protection of Women Labour in India, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Special Issue 17, pp 25-31, e-ISSN 2320-8163, Impact Factor-4.39, I.C. value-5.79.
  54. Mohapatra Dipti rekha, (2017), Sustainable Agriculture: A Key to Sustainable Development, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume 4, Issue 5(1), May 2017,pp 39-44, ISSN-2348-7666, Impact Factor-4.535.
  55. Mohapatra Dipti rekha, Mohapatra Indu rekha (2017), Noise Pollution- A threat to Human Health with special reference to Household Noise, International Journal of Academic Research, Volume 4, Issue 5(1), May 2017, pp 27-29, ISSN-2348-7666, Impact Factor-4.535.
  56. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2017), Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development in India : The Role of Legal Support System, International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science, Vol.5, Issue 2 (II), April-June,Pp.114-117, ISSN 2322-0899.UGC-48996
  57. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2017), Changing Culture and Status of Women in Globalised India, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol.4, Issue 2, April-June, pp.1-5, ISSN2394-7780.
  58. Mohapatra,Diptirekha (2017).Right to Education: A Step Towards Sustainable Growth with Special Reference to Odisha.International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research.July-September.Vol.4.Issue.3.ISSN-2395-7780.UGC-63571
  59. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2017), Custodial Violence and Human Rights: Legal Implications, International Journal of Research Management & Social Science,Vol.5, Issue 3, July-September,pp-82-91, ISSN-2322-0899, Impact Factor-3.42,UGC-48996
  60. Mohapatra,Dipti Rekha (2020),Child Abuse: An Universal Phenomenon,International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review,April. Vol.6,Issue 4,Pp.45-51,ISSN-2395-1885.

National Publications

  1. Beyond Transcendental Institutional Justice
  3. 2020
  4. Paper titled “Importance of Bail vis-à-vis Discretionary Power of the Court in India: An Analysis” published in CRIMES, a unique monthly Law Journal, Vinod Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, Vol-2, April-June, 2020, pp. 131-140 H.C
  5. 2019
  6. Acrimonious Facts of Simultaneous Elections in Odisha
  7. Party Centric New Democratic Dynasty - A Challenge to Indian Republican Values
  8. 2018
  9. New Democratic Dynasty - A Challenge to Indian Republican Values
  10. 2017
  11. Nurturing Constitutional Culture of India around 'Rule of Law'
  12. Paper titled, “Critical Analysis of Copyright Ownership vis-a-vis Rights Management of Literary Work under the Copyright Act,” published in Just Lex Talks(JLT), Vol. 1, Issue. 2, ISSN. 2455-2429.
  13. 2016
  14. Paper Titled, “Criminal Justice System vis-a-vis Plea Bargaining in India: Ten Years and Beyond” published in Journal of Legal Studies and Research, Open Access Journal, Vol.2, Issue. 2, April-2016, ISSN. 2455-2437, Open Access Journal
  15. Paper titled, “Role of District Judiciary in Protection of Human Rights in India: An Analysis” published in Indian Journal of Legal Philosophy, Vol. 4, Issue.1, March 2016, ISSN. 2347-4963, Impact Factor: 1.116.
  16. Paper titled, “Environmental Jurisprudence and Judicial Activism: An Appraisal” published in Indian Journal of Socio Legal Studies, Vol. V, Issue. 1, Jan-June-2016, ISSN. 2320-8562.
  17. Paper titled, “Protection of Human Rights vis-a-vis Criminal Justice System in India: An Analysis” published in Lex Revolution (Journal of Social & Legal Studies), Vol. II, Issue.1, Jan-Mar. 2016, ISSN.2394-997X.
  18. Nature of Justice Envisaged Under Preamble to Constitution of India
  19. Nature of Justice Envisaged Under Preamble to Constitution of India
  20. 2015
  21. Contour of Modern Republicanism and Indian Constitutional Structure
  22. 2014
  23. Paper titled “ Live- in relationship: National and International Perspectives” published in HNLU Journal of Law and Social Science, published by Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur, Jan, 2014-Dec, 2014, Vol. 1, No. 1, ISSN. 2347-839X.
  24. 2013
  25. Paper titled “Concept of Wages and wage policy in India: A Critical Analysis” published in The Legal Analyst, A referred Law Journal, ISSN 2231-5594, Vol-III, Jan-June, 2013
  26. Paper titled “Live-in Relationship: National and International Perspective” published in Dibrugarh University Law Journal, ISSN-2348-6597, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2013, pp.95-106.
  27. 2011
  28. Paper titled “Use of video conference in criminal trials: A harbinger of criminal justice system in India” Published in The Legal Analyst, a referred law journal, Vol-II June- Dec, 2011.
  29. Paper titled “Hostile Witness: A menace for criminal justice administration system in India” Published in The Legal Analyst, A referred Law Journal, ISSN 2231-5594, Vol.1, Issue 1, Jan-June, 2011, pp.8-14.
  30. Mohapatra, D. & Dash,M., (2012),Security to Insecured: The Initiatives of The State, The Research Network, Vol.VII, No. 2 & 3, Pp.63-72,ISSN 0975 0517.
  31. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2012), Women Labour in Women Empowerment Era, BIITM Business Review, Vol.3, No.2, July-December, Pp.80-90,ISSN 2250-1533.
  32. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2013) ,Striving for Performance-oriented Culture, Vishleshak, Vol.2, July , Pp.121-132,ISSN 2320-625x.
  33. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2015),Towards Sustainable Development Through Corporate Social Responsibility: Experience of Indian Corporates, BIITM Business Review, Vol.6, No.1, pp 65-75, ISSN-2250-1533.
  34. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2016), Right to Education: International Perspective, Shri Ji Socio-Legal Journal, Volume 8,pp 11-17, ISSN 2231-1556.
  35. Mohapatra, Dipti rekha (2016), Pragmatic Judiciary: A Step towards Democracy and Good Governance in India, The Legal Analyst,Vol VI, No. 1& 2, pp-29-36, ISSN2231-5594.
  36. Panda,Prajana Paramiita & Mohapatra, Dipti Rekha (2020), Legal Issues and Challenges of Domestic Violence Against Women, Shodh Sanchar Bulletine, Vol.10, Issue 40,Pp.105-107, ISSN-2229-3620,UGC Care Approved.
  37. Mohapatra, Diptirekha and Panda, Prajana Paramita (2021). Sexual Harrassment of Women at Work Place: Adverse Effects on Productivity.Shodh sanchar Bulletine.Vo.11.Issue 41. Pp.251-254. ISSN-2229-3620, UGC CARE listed.
  38. Mohapatra, Diptirekha, Dansana, Prayas & Sharma, Neha (2021). International Instruments and Child Sexual Abuse. Shodh Sarita. Vol.8, Issue 29. Pp-171-175. ISSN - 2348-2397. UGC CARE listed
  39. Mohapatra, Diptirekha, Dansana,Prayas & Sharma, Neha (2021). Child Sexual Abuse and The Legal Framework in India. Shodh Sanchar Bulletine. Vol.11, Issue 41, January-March 2021, Pp.47-50. ISSN-2229-3620, UGC CARE listed.